• 入住日期
  • 退房日期
  • 間數
  • 立即訂房

Rates Table房價表

>Rates Table
住房須知 Guest Infomation:

 ◆  入房Check in:下午3點以後,退房Check out:早上11點。團體退房CheckOut:早上10 點。
 ◆  提早入住或延後退房,請事先告訴我們。
 ◆  全區禁止抽煙、喝酒、吃檳榔、大聲喧譁、賭博等行為,以免影響其他房客安寧。
 ◆  為維護房客住宿品質,請勿攜帶寵物入住,造成不便,敬請見諒。
 ◆  因應環保署政策,2023年7月起客房內 不提供一次性備品(包括牙刷牙膏、肥皂、拖鞋、刷鬍刀、浴帽等皆不提供),
 ◆  飯店無免費停車場,房客如需停車可停飯店旁白線或付費停車格。

◆ Check-in: After 3 PM, Check-out: Before 11 AM. For group check-outs: Before 10 AM.
◆ Please inform us in advance if you need to check in early or check out late.
◆ Smoking, drinking alcohol, chewing betel nuts, loud noise, gambling, and other similar activities are strictly prohibited throughout the premises to ensure the peace and comfort of all guests.
◆ To maintain accommodation quality, pets are not allowed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
◆ In line with environmental protection policies, starting from July 2023, disposable amenities (including toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, slippers, shaving razors, shower caps, etc.) will not be provided in rooms. Only bath towels, body wash, and shampoo will be available.
◆ The hotel does not provide free parking. Guests needing parking may use the white-lined spaces adjacent to the hotel or paid parking spots.